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Developing A Super Side Pass Ranch Trail Course Excerpt

  • 3 Steps


This mini-segment is just a glimpse of the comprehensive program Coach Shannon has developed—a step-by-step guide designed to help riders excel in Ranch Trail. Scroll to the bottom of this page to JOIN the mini-course. Coach Shannon’s first experience in a ranch trail class laid the foundation for the exceptional program she now offers through RideLife. After weeks of practice at home, she was eager to showcase her horse at a local event. But on the morning of the show, a wave of intimidation hit as she watched experienced riders effortlessly navigate the course. Doubts crept in, but she mustered enough courage to stay and do her best. When her turn came, nerves twisted her stomach in knots. The run was challenging—nearly knocking over the gate, struggling with lope overs, and backing the wrong way around a boulder. As she walked off the course, Shannon wondered if there was a resource to teach riders how to practice at home to become trail champions. After years of perfecting her own success formula through competition and winning championships in Trail, Shannon created this invaluable resource to save you time and frustration, whether you're just starting out or looking to level up.

You can also join this program via the mobile app. Go to the app





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